Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How to Train your Dungeon Master 101

 So you want to make the LEAP from player to to Dungeon Master....

Here are some of the best tips you will ever find on becoming a Dungeon Master... Sure everyone has theories and think they know what they are doing, but most people are full of crap and useless BS

Am I going to make you the greatest DM ever.. No, but I will give you the tools needed to becoming one. 

What qualifies me to write this? I have trained several dozens of DMs and would trust anyone of them to run any game system for me. I am picky about who I allow to run games for me after several bad experiences in games at Conventions. 

It is an artform and anyone who tells you different is a moron.  

First: The biggest secret is... Not everyone is going to like your game or style. It is OK, we all have different tastes and don't get upset if someone is not happy with you.

(Highlight to Reveal)

I use the Approved Myagi approach to teaching, you may not understand why you are doing something, but then it hits you with the Wax On / Wax Off  moment of understanding. sometimes it takes a boot to the head, click below

NUMBER 1 (This assumes a new RPG system) 

Gather a friend or 2, and make characters.. does not matter what Class / race/ or anything else... The point is to learn how to make them

NUMBER 2  - Run some combat

Pick 1 dozen Monsters of low level, then run a dozen combats with the new characters. This will give you a good understanding of the mechanics and flow of combat. When you have finished with the dozen, you will have learned what works for you and what does not. try to be as descriptive as possible and detailed about where the hits landed and what they did

 NUMBER 3  - Go to the Tavern

Have them enter the tavern and try to find a piece of information on someone or something, or hire someone. This is a prime role playing exercise. Use different attitudes and accents and try to have everyone react differently toward the characters

NUMBER 4  - Run a small adventure

Have them travel to a cave with no more than 10 Rooms and 4 encounters. Give them just enough treasure and small item or 2 of magic. 

NUMBER 5  - Save all discussion until after the game

Do not allow players to argue any rulings during the game, if there is a point of contention, move on and discuss it after the game session and agree how to handle the same thing going forward.  It does not do anyone any good to hash out rulings during the game and every should be adult enough to to accept it and move on.  

(Rules Lawyering 101)

NUMBER 6  - Ditch the Script

Run an adventure with out a written script using only a few notes. This way you learn how to improvise when the player do things unexpectedly (And they will, every time, over and over again). I write for convention modules and when I want to publish or I need a specifically time adventure. but for most of my ongoing games, I just make notes and add them to the lore of the world for later references

NUMBER 7  - Tips

  • You do not get better by watching

  • When you see something that is cool, make a note, use it later

  • You are the manager of Time and Pacing

  • Play with Experienced Dungeons Masters, ask questions after the game

  • Invite experienced Dungeon Masters to play in your games and give you feedback

  • Read, cannot stress this enough.. The more you read, the more you will get ideas to use

  • Watch Movies, pay attention to accents and try them

  • Go Outside on an adventure, get a sense of terrain.


The goal of a seasoned Game master is to keep the player guessing at what is coming, even if they know what they think is coming

DISCLAIMER: I do not subscribe to anyone telling anyone how to be a Great Dungeon Master

The best experience for Running any adventure is RUN an adventure. 

There is an ART to being a Dungeon Master. I urge you to discover your own voice and what works best for you. 

And Finally

From The Dungeon Master's Guide, 1st Edition

“It is the spirit of the game, not the letter of the rules, which is important. Never hold to the letter written, nor allow some barracks room lawyer to force quotations from the rule book upon you, if it goes against the obvious intent of the game.... You are creator and final arbiter. 

By ordering things as they should be, the game as a whole first, your campaign next, and your participants thereafter, you will be playing ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS as it was meant to be.”


Additional information can be found at the following Blog post:

Expanding your DM/ GM Skillset

What elements does it take for someone to be a good DM/Game master?

Decide to revisit this today. 09/15/2021 

This is not advice for the NEW Dungeon or Game master. This assumes you are already running games and looking to get better that the Craft

I have been a Dungeon Master since I was 12 and have honed my skills over the years and have gone through the usual phases:

1: Beginner, clunky and the dungeons were all about fighting, no sense of placement, treasure was           haphazard and rolled on charts  ...
....Every game starts in a tavern

2: Me against the players - Player kills was valued and you threw random monsters at players
 ..Every game starts in a tavern

3: Monty Haul -  You now gave out tons of treasure and regularly fought gods  
..Every game starts in a tavern

4: Adventure over random dungeons - You begin to put thought into the adventure as a whole 
    ..Every game starts in a tavern

5: Building a world - you have a great handle on the rules, you now try to challenge the players rather than kill them. Death happens but it is random
..Every game starts in a tavern 

6: It is not about the combat.. you go to great lengths to drop clues and puzzles into the game. Role playing playing and interactions become just as valuable as slaying monsters
..Every game starts differently

7: Design Junkie - You have all the tools to write adventures for any level and genre. You now are comfortable running games for any group of players. People start to invite you to run games for their group 
..Every game starts Differently


SO, now for the skills needed to excel at running Dungeons and Dragons and any other Game systems

I am going to break this down into 3 areas..  Skills, Practicals, and Game Time Tips

First, you have to love to read. This is the foundation above all else. If reading is not your thing, do not try to run any games

Second, the ability to soak in material, I am referring to Memory and recall... Reading is good, but if you have to go back to look up anything or read a passage a few times during the game, you bog down the game.

I have been blessed with a wicked Memory.. I can tell you details about where and how we met.. plus facts on any range of subjects. I retain about 90% of what I read or see

Watch lots of movies, does not matter what genre and time the movie was made. This especially helps in timing and suspense during the game. Knowing when and where to use these is crucial

Improvisational skills:  You will need to react and redirect as needed and plans always shift

Creativity... players want something they have not seen before... it needs to be different or appear different

Balance... being able to use rules and set what is occurring, having a logical interpretation of the rules as needed

A Firm hand when needed, not allowing someone to be a rules lawyer if they are disrupting the flow of the game and at the same time allow creativity

From The Dungeon Master's Guide, 1st Edition

“It is the spirit of the game, not the letter of the rules, which is important. Never hold to the letter written, nor allow some barracks room lawyer to force quotations from the rule book upon you, if it goes against the obvious intent of the game.... You are creator and final arbiter. 

By ordering things as they should be, the game as a whole first, your campaign next, and your participants thereafter, you will be playing ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS as it was meant to be.”

2 - Practicals
  • Be organized
  • Bring Extra Pencils
  • Bring Extra Dice
  • Bring note pads
  • have all you notes and handouts ready and accessible
  • Separate table for Roleplaying and for miniatures if possible
I find that if the players are on your side from the beginning, they will accept anything you throw at them or do to them. If I am running a Role Playing intense game, then I usually reserve killing for a bone headed move... 

I have no qualms about killing players, I prefer providing a tough challenge where they may be killed...Players stupidity is the leading cause of death in my games

During the Game
  • Know the Material !!!
  • Be Organized
  • Be Energized
  • Dig deep, be unique
  • Don't be afraid to try it
  • Don't Dream It, BE IT !!!!!

The more you bring the game to life, the better your players will respond. I use lots of different vocals and hand gestures... many people can attest to my horrible Jamaican accent and my equally well done other accents... 

Game flow is important, anything that stops the action or pauses for too long is not helping the players to enjoy the game

3 - GAME TIME !!!

Know your setting:
Have an idea what you are trying to do with each session. Don't be afraid to end at a logical point or where a major clue was give so they can ponder it.

Understand the dice rolls for the game you are playing, or other systems such as playing cards
Many systems use different dice or only a few dice or only one kind of dice like D10s or D6s

Information for one or 2 or a group of players should not be given at the table, if the party splits up do not feel like everyone has to overhear every conversation...  let the players decide what they want to share. Sounds contradictory from other advice I have given, but players can use the time to use the bathroom, get drinks and relax.

Always throw a surprise in there,

  • I like to make players make a random saving throw for no reason.. 
  • Say "Wow, they actually triggered that" and then roll a hefty handful of the same sided dice, preferably D8s
  • Point at a player and say, remember this number, give them a random number and never mention it again
  • mumble and roll dice, then count off the players at the table, stopping at the one you rolled. Ask them for their character sheet, do not explain anything, just make a check next a to a random item or write it down. 
  • Pick up a handful of dice, roll them, then ask everyone for a saving throw, then say "nevermind, it was another corridor"

The goal of a seasoned Game master is to keep the player guessing at what is coming, even if they know what they think is coming

I have gotten so much better at my craft since 1992

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Art of Dungeon Mastering at Conventions

Practical Advice for experienced 
Dungeon Masters and Game Masters

Running games at conventions is completely different then running your weekly game. Your weekly game will allow for players to go and do something not planned for, they have more options in the decisions

Here are the top item you need to consider when running a Convention game

  • Is your Adventure unique
  • Is it straight forward (A to B, B to C) or flexible
  • Is the goal obtainable in the time frame
  • Are the Characters Pre Generated ? 
  • Do you have prepared sheets in case the player does not bring one
Every game I have run has been unique from the Search for the ultimate ale, to the Assassins game. I have play tested the games before hand and have a good expectation of time. I have games with each character personality and interaction listed and some bring your own where you have no idea... 

Game descriptions 
  • Does it entice players to play
  • Does it convey what player can expect
  • Does it set the goal, setting, or both
  • Is it Adult material, PG or Everyone

Everyone struggles with this, I can be the best thing ever written and you have 4 people at the table. For example, I went to a con (2015, it has been since 2004 that I attended a con) and ran a game that was highly popular at previous cons I attended. I used the same script I have used in the past 

AD&D- So you think you have an Attitude!
Only Dwarves need apply... 13th-15th level... bring your own or be issued a generic.... The followers of the God of Attitude and Drink are sent on a quest.
Beginners welcome.
Age 13+ please.
Pregenerated characters provided.

I actually have 7 people signed up but 4 of them bailed to play in other games.  This was one that was always talked about in previous conventions, People would come up to me by late Saturday night and ask me to run this for them. When i was doing conventions 2-3 times a year, I always filled my games in the first couple of days

Pregen Characters Provided... I promise a truly Epic adventure that will generate stories for you to tell in the tavern
This features some of the greatest concepts and Role Play that I have ever put together.  The characters provided are all high level
and saying anything further goes would ruin the integrity of the game.
Age 15+ please.

ONLY Pregenerated characters provided.

I consider this to be one of the best adventures ever written, but I wanted this to be mysterious... Everyone who has playing this has raved about it, it has never failed to be less than epic

Typical times for playing are: 
  • 2 Hours (Mini Slot)
  • 4 Hours (the typical amount of time)
  • 8 Hours (Double Slot)
I prefer 4 hour slots because I can run more games, typically, I do 2-4 games a day - 8 AM, 12 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM... sometimes a 12 AM.. .

Your Responsibilities as a DM / GM / Storyteller / Animator / Ombudsman
  • Be on time
  • Be organized
  • Bring Extra Pencils
  • Bring Extra Dice
  • Bring Additional Characters
  • Bring Character Sheets
  • Bring note pads
I try to plan as if someone is walking by and at the last moment decides to play. I do not lend dice easily but I keep 3 sets with me that are expendable and losing them is no issue (You will lose dice and gain dice at conventions if you run games, it just happens)

In Addition, I always try to do the following:
  • Have water and Ice Tea available at the table
  • Napkins, always needed
  • Gum or mints or packets of skittles
I find that if the players are on your side from the beginning, they will accept anything you throw at them or do to them. If I am running a Role Playing intense game, then I usually reserve killing for a bone headed move... 

I have no qualms about killing CHARACTERS, I prefer providing a tough challenge where they may be killed...

During the Game
  • Know the Material !!!
  • Be Organized
  • Be Energized
  • Dig deep, be unique
  • Don't be afraid to try it
  • Don't Dream It, BE IT !!!!!
The more you bring the game to life, the better your players will respond. I use lots of different vocals and hand gestures... many people can attest to my horrible Jamaican accent and my equally well done other accents... 

I have all my notes ready to go and it is a simple tear of a centimeter to hand it over...

Game flow is important, anything that stops the action or pauses for too long is not helping the players to enjoy the game

My goal has always been to have the most talked about game at the convention, if they are talking about it and people are standing around watching the show.. then I have done it.

If the players do something that truly amazes me, then i feel i have inspired them...

REMEMBER - It is all about the Players and the TPK

This was originally Published in August 2015... Minimum Updates have been made to the above

With this being the time when everyone tries to give their take and posting blogs with similar titles to mine...  

I find them to be fluff pieces, tossing about names and thoughts but lacking substance and the Practical BS needed

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

GaryCon 2022 - Here we go again...

Ok, there was a lot of hesitations on my side as to 


After consulting with someone at a place in Lake Geneva that cannot be mentioned and someone wearing the same shirt as me one day, I decided that I would run games... 

My Disclaimer:
There may possibly be some shocking content not meant for the squeamish not limited to the following –
Bad Acting, possibly coupled with Horrible Accents
Lousy Puns and Wicked Jokes
Bad Dancing
Unnecessary Die Rolls
Character Death
Descriptions of battles with implied gore
Killing of Monsters / Humans and other races
Salty Language
Adult Situations not limited to innuendo
Implied torture / Rape
Political incorrectness

As I do not control the actions of players, I do ask that anyone offended run screaming in terror (or a Chinese Fire Drill) for my amusement and the amusement of others in the game

The above statement is now included in all my games Per Rules of the Convention (Except TOON, I am no longer running TOON at conventions for the foreseeable future)

My Promise: This will be an awesome time for all involved (except Dave, no one likes him anyway) Bring a sense of wonder and Humor and all will be magical


Pregen Characters Provided... I promise a truly Epic adventure that will generate stories for you to tell in the tavern
This features some of the greatest concepts and Role Play that I have ever put together. The characters provided are all high level
and saying anything further goes would ruin the integrity of the game.
Age 15+ please.
ONLY Pregenerated characters will be used.

Please schedule in the Forums or in Westgate

Drinking Fluxx - BYOB

Drinking Fluxx is a great game for groups of adults while drinking their favorite beverages. BYOB Plastic cards make sure spills won’t hamper gameplay. Consumption of alcohol not required for participation in this game but is lots of fun. If you choose to drink alcohol, please do so responsibly. Drinking Fluxx never plays the same way twice.

Minimum of One copy will given away at this event,

10 Tickets for 2 tables next to each other in the Forums or Westgate Game system - FLUXX

The Greg Barry Invitational Drunken Dungeon Master Challenge

A super secret game that will be amazing. Armed with one page of notes and a POORLY drawn map, I'll improvise on the spot. You must Email to claim one of 6 reserved spots. There are 4 open spots. This year, the Game System, premise, and other plotlines will be decide on a LIVE Skype chat, email any suggestions

Past Contestants

And Finally:  

Phoenix Con of Wisconsin has proven that people can gather safely and game while following there own precautions for their Health

If he Highlighted items are in effect for GaryCon, I will be cancelling my games and attending only to play, I cannot run game with a mask on nor will I provide proof of my personal health information unless anyone who is HIV positive is required to do the same...

Monday, August 23, 2021

Phoenix Con and Lake Geneva PART 3 of 3



Got up Showered (Shower everyday, Clean Shirt, deodorant...) 

Hit up Quik Trip for coffee and sandwich  then to find my Swag bag I left in the Chase building the previous night and Colter's Sunglasses he left behind (well, not really, more on that...) ... Took a while as the building was not opened yet so we wandered around and checked out of he hotel

So, we located the swag bag but no glasses.. asked him if they were in his bags - NO... Checked at registration, NOPE.. 

Time for my game

"So You Think You Have an Attitude" the All Dwarven adventure.. 

Game ran well, although it was a bit more polite and less attitude, it was still a fun time for he players 

Then I ran off to Play in RPEX

I was unable to get a Ticket for any slot I was available... but Kyle Pinches messaged me that he has a slot open at 1:00 PM on Saturday, and that was perfect...

He was going through with his experienced crew and they set me up with some pins and I was The Cleric !!!

They were great and let me solve puzzles, and I even killed a Cultist on my own... The did have me open the mimic chest... which I knew was a trap, but I am good sport and did it anyway

I look forward to playing it again, it was a lot of fun

After RPEX, I met up with a guy wearing nearly the same shirt - Ernie Gygax Jr


So I needed another cup of coffee, only coffee in the hotel was KCups at the front desk.. So I asked if if anyone turned in Sunglasses ... Then Colter came in wearing them.. They were at the bottom if his bag in the car.... UUUGGG

Next Game: Dragonscales RPG

"Journey o the North"

I had a full table plus one for the game and explained that even though it was stated to be 5 hours, it was up to the choices made as to how long the game runs

I have not run a Dragonscales game in months and it turned out to be a really good and fun game

Character creation went smooth and I explained that I they needed to read the sheets and I did not have copies to remind them of what they can do. 

After the game at the Bar

After the game we went to find everyone and ended up at the bar next door to the Chase building. Since we were leaving, I was not drinking. I merely went about and said goodbye to everyone...

BADGE NUMBER ONE over and out  

Friday, August 20, 2021

Phoenix Con and Lake Geneva PART 2 of 3


We drove up to the convention on Friday morning and checked into the room... then went to Registration and Picked up our badges...


Then to go to the merchant room. Really had no agenda other than picking up a replacement dice that I had lost for a set from Black Oak Workshop... The Vender room was not open but people were strolling through and buying stuff

First place I stopped was to See Jerry Savage's booth. I bought a pen from him from the GaryCon that was cancelled and was inquiring on if the number could be changed...  He sees my  badge and says, OH, Your Greg Barry... we chat and he says  - You bought the Tiamat pen

Unfortunately no, it could not be changed... (sigh) So I checked out the Phoenix Con pens and Colter was looking, then I liked one a little more but Colter wanted that one, So I asked him to set aside the other one...he set the pen aside. 

Colter was talking to him about making a staff and I went directly across to the Black Oak stand... 

I was standing there for a few minutes when Craig says

Hey, You are Greg Barry / Yes, Yes I am / I have something for you (looks in box) and I left it at home...  Here just take this as a replacement (hands me a full set). 

What do I owe you? 

Just do me a favor and back the kickstarter we are running?

But I am not buying any dice this year (this is a dilemma) , Ok, if you promise not tell anyone, I will...

(Backs dice at a decent level [3 sets with Loot] and shows him)

Colter comes over, and I am having him set aside some dice I am buying for my daughter.. 

Then Craig says to him after talking about some dice that Colter should back the Kickstarter and that Greg just backed it... So much for keeping a secret (Thanks Craig!!)  

I told him I was going unback the Kickstarter (in Jest, Craig treated us very well at the con and is personally a Great guy) 

Literally Black Oak Workshop is my Favorite Dice and I show off off a set at games for people to look at 


So, On to my games:

I stopped in to Greet Ernie Gygax Jr and see if their was any room in the game just in case.. He had a full table of ten and not enough room at the table (Colter was playing in the game) 

I was Running AAAHHH first and I had only 2 people show up, I was talking and said that if we could get 4 more , I could run the game, needed a minimum of 6 because the game has background and secrets.. this is the issue with running Pregens for a game this amazing

I was sitting there chatting and Colter calls, there is a slot in Ernie's game... I jumped in the game

Lots of fun was had

At one point we killed a pair of Owlbears and they were wearing Necklaces... Then we approached a portal and was able to open it... as the discussion raged.. I declared, I put on the jeweled necklace and go through the portal where the large One eyed being is sitting... and walk past him to the other passage... then when the others came through, I motioned them to the passage (Ernie was surprised, first time no one fought it) 

Not my Picture, Colter took this

Not my Picture, Donna Jovanni took this

Then Off to run a Boardgame

Buy it HERE    >>>>>     Shop - GameWick Games  

Even though I had only 2 players, I had over a Dozen people come over and ask about it. 

Some asked, some watched, all had good reactions to it. And everyone thought the board was really a great add on. 

So, this game turned brutal and I converted one player, but in the end, the Lone Survivor was killed by the end of Reel 3

This led us to go to the Alcohol Alchemy Kickstarter Kickoff

Not my Picture, Donna Jovanni took this

There were many more people there than in the Photo above but I have no other pictures

This was a great social event and the samples were nice and wrapped in scrolls

Sample of Scrolls

So, since we were were sampling, and I had a nice bottle in my room, I asked if anyone wanted to sample some local [Pennsylvania, Lehigh Valley] spirits ... and went and got my bottle 

I shared my bottle and lots of stories were exchanged.  

Ernie Gygax was telling us that we should see the shirt he is wearing tomorrow because it has Dragons and dice on them...  I brought up the following picture and and said  
"Does it look like like this?"
EG - "Yes, that is the shirt"
GMB - "That is the one I am wearing tomorrow"

Next Part  - Saturday 



Thursday, August 19, 2021

Phoenix Con and Lake Geneva PART 1 of 3

 On August 10th, I traveled to Kenosha Wisconsin To begin my vacation and attend Phoenix Con (Rising from the Ashes)

The drive in was filled with Thunderstorms and Rain as I made my way from Pottstown PA to Kenosha WI

Wednesday was a Relaxing day at Colters with Jennifer and the kids (Colton and Daisy) while he was working from home...

Thursday was a Lake Geneva / Bittners run and while I was unable to obtain a Bacon Maple Donut.. I did get a couple to eat and Cookies and Carrot cake to bring home... 

PRO TIP: When in the area Bittners Bakery has the best donuts and other things

And then to the Memorial Brick and the Dice begetting Mojo 

 Then Off to the Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum:

Colter and I walk in and as soon as Jeff Leason Sees me, he points to me and says "I got your module, I will go get it in a few minutes"

At the Last GaryCon in 2019, I asked Jeff to sign a copy of  The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan and he asked to hang onto it and get additional signatures on it for me...

Ernie Gygax Jr calls and Jeff tells him that Greg Barry and Greg's friend are there. (This is where Colter got the moniker "Greg Barry's Friend"

He runs and gets it (He lives in the building) and we proceed to spend three hours talking and Ernie Gygax Jr drops in with Donna to pick up something on his way to Phoenix Con.. I asked him if he had room in his game tomorrow as I feared my game would be cancelled due to lack of signups....He said if he could get me in he would.. 

Side note: Donna came in and gave me a hug and I said I know you know me, but do you know my name - She shrugged (with a No duh) and Said of course, your Greg Barry... 

We spent three hours talking with Jeff and the dozen people who came in and it was GREAT

Jeff offered to place my cover with an original and I said SURE... I made some nominal purchases and left
