Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Looney Labs - Fluxx - Pax Unplugged

I was shamelessly begging to work with Looney Labs at Pax Unplugged this year. In fact, I had no other vendor in mind to work with so this was all or nothing for me.

I like games that I like, I am not interested in spending large amounts of money of money on games that may not get played or take too long to play.

I really enjoy Role Playing Games and look for games that can be filler if we are waiting on players to show up. usually a 30-45 minute game. 

I also like to go to Conventions and talk to people and earn merchandise... I also get a badge for the Con when I go.

I also have no issues working all the available shifts if possible.

I love the game Fluxx

Image result for Saffron-Expansion

I started with getting a pack of cards in my Firefly Loot crate... then getting Firefly Fluxx for Christmas
Related image

We had so much fun that this lead to getting many other Fluxx games,  and My 2 daughters asking for Fluxx games. in the house we have:

Fluxx 5.0
Star Fluxx
Monty Python Fluxx
Star Trek, The Original Series
Monster Fluxx
Chemistry Fluxx
Batman Fluxx
Math Fluxx
Drinking Fluxx

I am also a completest when it comes to my games so I have ordered Expansion packs and Promo Cards to add to my games. In fact, my Fluxx 5.0 deck has at least 40 additional cards from promo and and expansions. This includes 2 different printings of the Party Pack.

I also do tournaments for various Fluxx games and Looney Labs has been very supportive of the ones I run. They have provided prize support and always have been amazing. 

Pax Unplugged

GenCon 51

The first time I met them was at the first Pax Unplugged. I bought Dr Who Fluxx for my Nephew.  I then went to GenCon 51 and got my Black night Expansion for Monty Python and the War Doctor Promo with Spiced Ham Promo (Hormel wanted too much money for the use of SPAM) 

Myself and Tim Running our Monty Python Fluxx Tournament 

I am amazing at talking to people and getting them excited about Games and especially If I love the game.

The key for me is to make them see how much fun I have promoting the game. I have enough knowledge of different versions that I can tell you specifics of the game of that make it appealing.

I have taught the game to hundreds of people over the last few years and I can give you a rundown of the game in 3 minutes.

Once I engaged people, it was usually an easy sale, If they owned a Fluxx game, I could get them to buy another...  

Friday at Pax I carried my well used copy of Firefly Fluxx 

Explaining how the games are flavored, I would tell people about the I'll be in my bunk card

On Saturday, I went with Star Trek Flux and let people read the greatest card in any Fluxx game - FIZZBIN

Monty Python Fluxx
"I Want to Sing!"

 My friends try to have the 
"Stop That Singing" 
card handy when this comes out

The Batman Fluxx 
"Two-Face Flip"
Promo Card

Everyone was happy with my promotions and handing out lots of Groot Promo Cards

"Have a Groot and a Smile"
"Everyone Loves Groot"
"Groot puts a smile on everyone's face"

So, I worked all day Friday and Saturday and was compensated very well with games 

(these plus a couple of additional ones not shown because they are gifts)
I wish I had picked up Jumanji Fluxx and Holiday but I was just trying to finish up...

Here is a tip:

After playing flux, you tend to get lots of cards that end up together -  Keepers,  Goals, Rules....

after we are done playing for the night, I separate the cards into piles

Then I make 8 piles (not sure why but I found that 8 works the best)

and I add a layer of card type so that no goals, or other types are near  another cards of that type 

Then I grab 4 random piles to make half a deck and pile the remainder in another half 

then place them face down in the box and this set is ready to play... We shuffle for each game played that day

This seems to ensure the best distribution of cards for the initial play

Fluxx has some excellent bundle deals and these are great games... 

as well other games by Looney Labs

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Advice from a Grey Beard on Attending a Convention

Updated 7/16/2021

Attending a Convention 
                                  Running Games at a Convention  
                                                                         Volunteering at a convention

Over the years I have been to numerous conventions and gatherings... I have always managed to make the most from being at Conventions...

I am going to break this up into a few different parts because the experience of Attending a Convention is vastly different than running games or organizing conventions

I have done online conventions as well and nothing compares to attending in person. 

The Following rules apply to every situation

  1. SHOWER EVERYDAY of the CON, more than once if needed
  3. Carry Spare T-Shirt, Deodorant and a travel Towel... Do a quick wipe and dry as needed and change the shirt
  4. Do not use any cologne, chances are you do not know how to apply it and someone next to you will get  NAUSEOUS 
  5. HAND SANITIZER - become very familiar with this, do not trust that others will be diligent 
  6. AVOID ANY KIND OF BODY SPRAY, including Body Washes and Soaps with Scent

      7.   IF YOU ARE SICK, STAY HOME... 
             Even a mild cold or illness can become severe with many people
               If you think you may be getting sick, wear a Surgical mask...  

               THINK of the people around you,
               we all put out money to attend, and sometimes things just do not work out

I also recommend starting a Immune booster 5-7 days before any convention... I have done Airborne and Emergen-C


Managing your Stuff...

Here is what I found that works great, buy a rolling laptop bag and get a backpack with a Luggage strap or mount

The best part is you do not have to carry anything or watch how you turn around... 


Attending a Convention 

Attending is probably the most stress free way to go. All you have to do is:

Buy Tickets:  Check
Clear the date:  Check
Show Up: Check

Now if it is a gaming (RPG, Tabletop or Console) convention, you will need to register for games before you go, and you have to know your logistics as to where the games are so that you can try to avoid running from one end of the con to another to make your games

1.     Try to avoid back to back games that are not within 5           minutes of each other
2.     Try to avoid carrying too many things with you
3.     As player, I try to have: 
a.      Dice 
b.     A Rule book if needed
c.      Spare Character sheets or premade ones 

4.     Some General items to have should be       
a.      Tissues or napkins    
b.     Gum, cough drops, or candy
c.      Hand Sanitize
d.     Drink
e.    Portable chargers, more than one for redundancy

Traveling to and From a Convention, (staying on Site)
This takes a little planning.. but I have found the following to be invaluable

A: Bring a case of water with you per person

B: Twice as many shirts as you think you will need
C: Protein bars, carry with you, this will fill you and keep you going
D: Learn what the stores are in the area you are going to be at
         Bakery, Liquor Store, Walmart, Target... Just in case
E: plan on what you bring home (I always bring a case for Posters)

Updated 12/17/19

Ok, no room at the Con Site, No Problem you just have to plan a bit.

As a Player, you can take the shuttle, may have a little wait, but you won't have to worry about Parking, just make sure you get over to the con about 40 minutes before your event in case of a wait on the shuttle. 

As a Game Master, I recommend you do not unpack your gaming stuff if you drove in, leave it in the Trunk or the back of the SUV. Organize what you need by day and game. That way it will be quick, I used 2 containers, one for books and one for your adventures. This allows you to get to your car and change out games / Dice / storage during the day

Drive over before 8:00 AM in order to get any Parking in the best lot. 

If you are playing in any games that end after Midnight, you will not be able to get a shuttle - Check to see when the Con's Shuttle Service Ends. 

Merchant Room - 

When you attend, it is best to have an idea of what you are spending and stay within a budget.
I try to think of what I might spend money on and then bring extra.
What I do look for at a con is something a bit different, so I look at the vendors and if I do not have it in my budget, I get their card and find out where I can see them next or order from them.

Be prepared for an unexpected purchase when you go. For Example, I had planned on playing in one game, talked my way into another game, enjoyed that game so much that I bought the rule book immediately after the game... shown below

Also bring items for Signatures if their are VIP at the con, Most RPG VIPs will sign anything for FREE, others such as at Comic cons, charge fees for Signatures and Pictures.

Signed By Margaret Weis, who produced the game system and played in the game I was in. 

PART 5 - Preplan and Manage Expectations

What I mean is, plan who you want to meet, what you want to have signed, and go in managing your expectations. 

My First GaryCon (8) was amazing, up until Saturday, That day really fell apart for me and only one game worked out. I was dreadfully in a subpar mood Saturday night.

My Next GC (10) was amazing, I went in with managed expectations, got into every game I wanted to and it exceeded what I had hoped for.  I was the Luckiest guy at GC10

Now I go with a list of things I want to get done and everything else is bonus

My List from GaryCon 11
1        Margaret Weis signature on latest book
2        Steve Jackson to sign my book and vinyl poster
3        Get a Signature for my Foster daughter From Joe Manganiello
4        Elmore print  - or Chromatic Kingdom poster print
5        Promote Bodhana
6        See as many friends as possible
Lets just say, I completed 1, 2, 3, 4 and lots of 6 by midday Thursday. 

Comic Cons are a world by themselves, Utterly overpriced, over attended and very crowded.

For some of the bigger Comic Cons, you must get tickets in advance because the sell out (Hence the price gauging)  I attend very few of these simply because once you pay the $100 person, then you have to buy Autographs and Autograph packages.  Many of them have become just MONEY GRABS, sign and move on, no chat, no pics unless you have a Pic ticket...

If you can find a smaller one, with a one day ticket available for under $50, then go if you can...

You can find value at Comic Shows and Cons and sometimes, your favorite actor is just a few miles away

Running Games at a Convention

Running game adds a whole new level to the con experience:  People are signing up to play in your games and want a really cool experience.  Plus you are giving back to the CON...

I started running games at cons because I only trust a few people to run games for me as a player.
it was my way to attend and have fun. Almost all CONS will waive the registration fee for the con. and when I first started attending, CONS sold games for 3 dollars and bought back the ticket from the Dungeon Master for 1 dollar.. I ran Lots of games at those CONS and spent a majority of my dollars in the dealer room.. mostly on dice and figures

Typical times for playing are: 
  • 2 Hours (Mini Slot)
  • 4 Hours (the typical amount of time)
  • 8 Hours (Double Slot)
I prefer 4 hour slots because I can run more games, typically, I do 2-4 games a day - 8 AM, 12 PM, 4 PM and 8 PM... sometimes a 12 AM.. .

Your Responsibilities as a DM / GM / Storyteller / Animator / Ombudsman
  • Be on time
  • Be organized
  • Bring Extra Pencils
  • Bring Extra Dice
  • Bring Additional Characters
  • Bring Character Sheets
  • Bring note pads
I try to plan as if someone is walking by and at the last moment decides to play. I do not lend dice easily but I keep 3 sets with me that are expendable and losing them is no issue (You will lose dice and gain dice at conventions if you run games, it just happens)

I do not bring minis or terrain or any complicated props. I keep my footprint on the table as small as possible, most of the time, I never use a screen. I do keep my screen handy for charts and such if needed. I use a fully customizable 4 panel screen

This is my AD&D custom charts setup

In Addition, I always try to do the following:
  • Have water and Ice Tea available at the table
  • Napkins, always needed
  • Gum or mints or packets of skittles
I find that if the players are on your side from the beginning, they will accept anything you throw at them or do to them. If I am running a Role Playing intense game, then I usually reserve killing for a bone headed move... 

I have no qualms about killing players, I prefer providing a tough challenge where they may be killed...

During the Game
  • Know the Material !!!
  • Be Organized
  • Be Energized
  • Dig deep, be unique
  • Don't be afraid to try it
  • Don't Dream It, BE IT !!!!!
The more you bring the game to life, the better your players will respond. I use lots of different vocals and hand gestures... many people can attest to my horrible Jamaican accent and my equally well done other accents... 

I have all my notes ready to go and it is a simple tear of a centimeter to hand it over...

Game flow is important, anything that stops the action or pauses for too long is not helping the players to enjoy the game

My goal has always been to have the most talked about game at the convention, if they are talking about it and people are standing around watching the show.. then I have done it.

Volunteering at a convention

This is another way to enjoy the show without having to pay... I am horrible at this option.. Somehow most cons do not like the large glass of Jack and Coke I like to have while volunteering.. (hey, it's my playtime also) 

My favorite was working the Registration table Friday afternoon, first day of the con, we arrived early and unpacked the booze.. made a large stiff drink and went to the table, we checked people in and sold game tickets... 80% of the crowd knew me and I entertained them as we went about everything... 

Nowadays, you just cannot do things like that... but I implore you to use this option to save a few bucks for the Dealer room

Demoing board games at Cons

This is a great option, I got a free pass to Pax Unplugged in 2018 and the following package for GenCon 2018

Hotel room next to the Convention center (4 people) 
Full Exhibitor pass 
Lunch money
8 games from the company I demo for
6 games from another demo I picked up
I ended up spending about 125 out of my pocket and 50 was for parking

Demoing and running games has given me a change to attend more cons and requests to demo other places and save hundreds if not, thousands, of dollars

These are Cons I run games at, or attend with the exception of GenCon.. I only included that by default of my own doing

One of the better listings for Conventions and Con management software

A lot of Cons register themselves using this tool making it easier to find all the information you need

Con for Old school gaming and new games, inspired to Celebrate the life well played - Gary E. Gygay, Co-Creator of Dungeons and Dragons
Occurs Every August, massive RPG Gaming convention, the largest in the world, 2018 will be the 51st year

Friday, August 30, 2019


Here are some highly recommended reading materials. 

When I started with gaming and truly reading, there were only a few ways to figure out what to read. 

The Local Bookstores
Word of Mouth
Reviews in Dragon Magazine
Sheer dumb luck

When looking for new settings, I tend to model them partially after things I have read in this book, It may be one idea or a complete island. It has a wealth of information in here. An although I have included this in my Gaming Materials List, I have included it here also

Now to the Authors who I own multiple books from

Larry Niven:

I will read almost anything he has written, I love hard Scifi and his books are always fascinating

Dream Park was my introduction to his work, from there I started to read as many of his novels that I could. I am currently at 23 novels read including a few Ringworld Novels

Margaret Weis:

Everyone knows that I adore Margaret. I love her writing and I will try every year to play in the Firefly game with her.  Her latest series is very good. 

And of course my First exposure to Margaret was Dragonlance 

Anne McAffrey:

Back in Middle school, I came across these in the local Waldenbooks, back then we had to go to the bookstore and actually look through the books to find something that appealed to us. 

Literally anything set in Pern is a good book and I have read over half a dozen. 

Craig Martelle:

In 2018, I wanted to play in a game at GaryCon but could not get it in my schedule (even though my game was cancelled that very morning) Craig wrote the book about that game over the weekend. The following year (having not read the book) I was able to play in it. 

I have read a few of his books now and have several on my ipad (Kindle app) to read. I highly recommend his books and his face book to provide help to self publishing authors. Craig and few others have inspired me to force myself to become a writer and not just a creative mind

Bill O'Reilly

I love books about History, real history. Not books by people who produce slanted views on history. Lots of history is filled with brutal conflicts and real issues. 

I may not agree with a portion of his commentary, but as a History Writer, I really enjoy reading his books. If you do not come away with a greater appreciation of history after reading his books, I feel sorry for you. 

Sir Arthur C Clarke

I very much enjoyed these books, I think these were the only 3 I read from him. 

Joel Rosenberg 
                    The Guardians of the Flame series

Individual Books and series:

I enjoyed these stories and the madness that spawned a ton of interest in his Old Gods

 I always enjoy a crazed perspective and both of these books are amazing

My wife introduced me to this and this was a solid read with some good ideas

I have read lots of amazing books books and I encourage people to read as much as possible. My children are voracious readers and enjoy so many books.