Thursday, March 15, 2018

GaryCon2018 - Thursday

GaryCon Thursday 

I had a list prior to going to Lake Geneva that I wanted to accomplish.

A)    Have Margaret Weis autograph my book
B)         Pick Up a limited run Print by Larry Elmore
C)               Attend FrankenParty  (Accomplished Joyfully)
D)                    Promote The Bodhana Group and Save Against Fear

E)   Enjoy Every Moment

I managed to get into EVERY game I wanted to play in and that was amazing

Walking to get my coffee, I met Jeff Leason and had a good conversation as we walked the Brisk outside from the forums to the main lobby. He was assisting Heidi Gygax in her game that I had a seat for..  (Ok the back of my mind knew the name, but did not connect it)

I knew 2 of my games were not going to run and I was not going to try to run them except for the fact that I got a personal email from Luke Gygax requesting I attempt to run my Dangerous Journeys game (OK, so he was responding to another request I made, but when a request is made...)

So I setup my table, as the picture and wandered around for a while talking to people in the Forums area for about 40 minutes before claiming defeat

Spent the next while just wandering and watching a few games (the Craig Martelle / Stephen Lee game looked awesome, wish I had gotten there earlier to try to jump in and play) before heading to the Dealer room to check things out. 

Then I went to the Artist Area, and went to find Mr. Elmore, the Legend
He was a bit late getting there but I did get to chat with others in the room. I was looking at Jeff Easley's stuff and after standing there for 5 minutes looking, I moved on

As I was walking out, Larry Elmore arrived. I gave him a few minutes then went to make my purchase... As he was signing it, he said that he only had a few more left... Then I pulled out My Dangerous Journeys book for him to sign.... 

I bought the final version last year

After that, I tried and succeeded to meetup with Stephen Lee of  Fireside Creations.

I had been talking to Stephen about games on facebook and friends for a while and it was great to meet him in person. He graciously offered me space on his table for The Bodhana Group and Save Against Fear Convention (Located in Harrisburg, PA - October 12-14, 2018) ... When he put then in the front left corner, I was floored...

Next was my play time !!

I headed to my Firefly fly game (Dan earlier asked me to join the earlier game, but I had to get the print before they sold out) 

Arriving after several people my character choice was limited, and no way was I going to be able to play Jayne in this game. That is reserved for the guest of Honor, Margaret Weis. I choose Inara, the Companion

Margaret offered up a prize(A Joey the Tug figure) in addition to the prize Dan ordered (Hand made Leather Dice Cups) 

I have to say that Dan did a great job with teaching the Mechanics at the start of the game with a Unification Day Barroom brawl, during which, I utilized my feminine ways to distract to of the men attempting to beat up the crew by making eye contact and flapping the collar of my shirt. 

We were fighting robots programmed to kill Brown coats...toward the end we needed to shut the ship down.

I will say that it is great to see Margaret play Jayne and take delight in bantering with everyone while using Vera with armor piercing bullets to kill robots

Margaret Weis

Daniel Gosz

These guys were great and ended up playing in my next game

So I decided that I was going to take the lead on this one and go ahead and bring Kaylie

I escorted Kaylee down to the engineering room I knew there'd be some trouble on the way so I was prepared for this and then Dan asked  “hey are you going to take a gun” so I thought for a moment I said “I'll take a gun but I'm never going to use it” I could see he was a little bit miffed about that

As we approach the robots I said “I am the Companion of House Madrassa, I was requested to be here by the captain” so the robot said that does not compute and I said “I am clearly Alliance and therefore you must let me pass as I have authorization to be here”  “And this is my lady” (Pointing to Kaylie)

With that Dan did not see that coming so I completely completely tossed a new wrinkle into the into the game. After rolling a few times, He allowed me to enter and complete our task

So then at the end of the game they were voting for the best player and everybody based on that performance and other subtle things I did,  they voted Inara. Of course I didn't vote for myself so I voted for another,but aside for me it was unanimous that they thought I did the best job playing (not the best job playing the role but the best job in that game playing any role of that game)

I had asked earlier how to get a copy of the Joey the Thug figure from Margaret and if anyone there was selling them and she said no, so I told her that I would order one after the CON is  over but seeing that she signed the figure I can't open it

I will need to order another one to put it together and put it on my shelf I'll never paint it but it will look amazing put together I think so that was my Firefly game and then I had another game to run after that game

My next game was "The Master Stroke"

This was written for GaryCon, also has the least amount of character background of any game I have ever run

The premise was that based this game on a Song that was about a painting. All the elements of the song are in the game and what the song focused on was the main parts of the adventure

I will admit that these players were enjoying the role playing and we took too much time in some places, but I think is was well received, Every single player did not punch me in the face and they were all engaged the entire time. I consider that a WIN

I do not have any pictures from this game... so if any has some, I would appreciate it.

FYI: Everything on my list was completed by that evening

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