Monday, August 20, 2018

GENCON... Wednesday and Thursday

Left for GenCon Wednesday morning and arrived in Indianapolis that afternoon.

Check in was so smooth at the JW Marriot, parked the car, returned to the Hotel, then off to the Convention center to learn our games

JW Marriot

We Learned Rise of Tribes and Expancity, I loaned out my Sparkle*Kitty Nights deck so they could teach them

The line for Will Call was so long, I was exited and did not want to wait in line, so I got up at 4:00 AM and went to will Call (Best decision that night)


The line was all the way down the hall in both directions and I simply walked up and got my Prepaid event ticket

Then I went and met Peter and got our Exhibitor badges that allows us early access into the hall.

I had a list of things I needed to see including some friends like the Gang from Studio 6d6, Charles Urback,  and to collect many promos while I was there.

I Also ran into Joey Vigour, who I did the Growl playtest for and backed on Kickstarter

Then I went back to Breaking Games to start my day

Later in the day, I went to seek out Margaret Wies and wander a bit

Margaret choose my Picture as her Cover photo on her Facebook page for a few days 

Than I got to play a bit of Sparkle Kitty Nights before my event that night

Then I went off to the One event I signed up for - Dragonstones

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

GaryCon 2019... YES, going on an Odd Year

I will Pretty this page up later...

So many people have been telling me I have to go in 2019... and after being at Gencon and running into so many people.. I can confirm that somehow I will be at GaryCon 2019... it may be on a Silver badge, with lots of begging, or if I can scrape enough together to beg Luke to sell me a Gold that someone turns in before event registration.... or if a friend comes through and takes me to rep for them or find another sponsor

Anyway, Here is a list of games that I will be presenting
(subject to change if a Sponsor comes forward)

Scheduled - Toon - Foo-Fuu Toon... Catch that Bird  Thursday 10:00 AM (2 Hours)

Capture the exclusive bird to collect the key to the ACME superstore shopathon
Bring your own or use one provided
Levels Silly to utterly rediculous
No one under age 3 and a half permitted due to goofy content, ability to roll 2 6 sided dice and drool occasionally recommended... bring your best gookie!

Scheduled  Thursday 6:00 PM  

Dangerous Journeys - The Hour of the Wolf   

(4 Hours) may go an hour over

Set against the backdrop of war between Atlantis and neighboring Kingdoms that have raged for too long

"The hour between night and dawn. The hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when the sleepless are haunted by their deepest fears, when ghost and demons are most powerful, the hour of the wolf is also the hour when most children are born." -From Ingmar Bergman

Friday 9:00 AM     (4 Hours)   

(Ran 1 time at GC8 and at GC10)

Scheduled         TOON - PizzaToon / A Toon Love Story      

2 Shorts
Pizzatoon, deliver pizzas to ....
2nd feature is TBD
Levels Mild Insanity to Outright bambooled

Friday 6:00 PM  (4 Hours)


Title: The Greg Barry Invitational Drunken Dungeon Master Challenge

Game System - AD&D 1st Edition
Greg will run a super secret game that will be amazing. Armed with one page of notes and a POORLY drawn map.. everything will be done improve style on the spot. You must Email to claim one of 8 reserved spots (2 Open Spots) , submit character preference for your custom Pregen and offer suggestions to be included in the game
Note: This may not be the greatest game, but it will be the most entertaining...
(Drunken Dungeon Master is a title and may or may not be true based on the previous game, also I reserve the right to have no more than 2 pages of notes, typed big enough to read while consuming Spotted Cow)

Complete the Survey for the Drunken Invitational Game

Saturday, Tentative at 4:00 PM  (4 Hours)

Pirates of Dark Water, The Lost Episode  (Dragonscales RPG)

Based on the Cartoon, 
The alien world of Mer is being devoured by an evil substance known as Dark Water. Only Ren, a young prince, can stop it by finding the lost Thirteen Treasures of Rule. The evil pirate lord, Bloth, will stop at nothing to get the treasures for himself
This uses the Ward Card system as used in Dragonscales and 77 Lost Worlds, but is not set in Either Setting (Used with Permission)
Pregenerated characters provided.

AD&D The Quest for the Gate Between Worlds (4 Hours)

(Ran 1 time at GC8)

Pregens Provided
All you have do is find the gate and get past the ... 


AD&D - 4 hours
Maidens of the Desert 
Explore the Suel Empire that crumbled 3 centuries ago and a map recently surfaced with it's location

Scheduled  AD&D - AAAAHHHH Sunday 10:00 AM (4 Hours) 

Ran twice at GC8 and once at GC10

Pregen Characters Provided... I promise a truly Epic adventure that will generate stories for you to tell in the tavern
This features some of the greatest concepts and Role Play that I have ever put together. The characters provided are all high level
and saying anything further goes would ruin the integrity of the game.
Age 15+ please.
ONLY Pregenerated characters will be used.

Monty Python Fluxx Tournament (2 Hours)

Come Play Monty Python Fluxx with 2 Crazy People (Animator Greg Barry and TIM Nepal(Alphabetically Listed , of Course) The Enchanter) Get your Tim card signed by Tim (Some, call him…. TIM) These 2 insane people will keep you entertained for the entire time you will leave in a most fitting way when the gong sounds and someone yells “Bring Out Your Dead”

( I will see if Fluxx will sponsor this and send us a copy of the game for the winner)

Sparkle Kitty NIghts

A PG-13 Card GameYou only dislike Sparkle*Kitty because you have not played Sparkle*Kitty 
What happens in the tower stays in the tower! Sparkle*Kitty Nights is an perfectly clean card game for the dirtiest minds. . Time to get ready, it's about to get naughty! Sparkle*Kitty Nights adds So. Many. Naughty. Word. Spell. Combinations!