In 2023, I will return to GaryCon since 2019 (Missing last years due to the mask mandate)
I will be running no more than 3 games, 12 hours and honestly, there is no incentive to run any more games
From the GaryCon Website |
From the GaryCon Website |
To be honest, I really love to run RPGs. I really have a dislike for playing in other people's games at conventions. I either have to really like the person or have faith that they will run a good game.. If I play in your game, consider that a massive tribute (Even if you are VIP like James Ward and Ernie Gygax)
I consider myself a much better player than a Dungeon Master.. Seriously, and I am an Amazing Dungeon Master. I know that I have a tendency to take control of a game and assume leadership, lots of times I will try to play the Cleric to allow players to take more of the spotlight
I am going to play in more games than any other Convention I have attended.
The Hour of the Wolf - Dangerous Journeys
Set against the backdrop of war between Atlantis and neighboring Kingdoms that have raged for too long,
The mission is to steal an item that will change the nature of war forever.
This is a role playing heavy game, the mechanics are light and easy to learn,
Characters provided. They have background stories, and this game has a mystery that unfolds.
First to sign up gets first choice of the characters. Some lead time is needed if playing one of 2 magic heavy characters (In Bold) just to read the spells and the quick tutorial of how spell casting works.
Name |
Vocation |
Phenemius (Female) |
Mountebank |
Vampa Del Margo |
Seafarer |
Rosencrantz |
Soldier |
Guildenstern |
Soldier |
Vizzinni Arrindal
Theurgist |
Marcus Colt |
Explorer |
Delenn Narenek (Female) |
Alchemist |
Molarian Naranek |
Dweomercraefter |
Dangerous Journeys File Dropbox
The following are the Mood settings for the game
Susan Ivanova: My father told me about it. It's the time between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. You can't sleep, and all you can see is the troubles and the problems and the ways that your life should've gone but didn't. All you can hear is the sound of your own heart. I've been living in the hour of the wolf for seven days, Lyta. Seven days. The wolf and I are now on a first-name basis. In times like this, my father used to take one large glass of vodka before bed. 'To keep the wolf away,' he said. And then he would take three very small drinks of vodka, just in case she had cubs while she was waiting outside.
"The hour between night and dawn. The hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when the sleepless are haunted by their deepest fears, when ghost and demons are most powerful, the hour of the wolf is also the hour when most children are born." -From Ingmar Bergman's Film HOUR OF THE WOLF (Trailer)...
This will be the Final time I am running Dangerous Journeys at GaryCon, It probably will be my final time running game at GaryCon.. I have never been to a convention as a player, I think I would like to try that at the next GaryCon I attend
The Demon Chronicles - Dragonscales RPG
The heroes encounter beings from another place who threaten the entire world. these are not your stereotypical Demons, but the Lore has provided no other names for them.
Once again, Murkie has hired you to find an item, he pays well and has always had some work for you. This time, you have to travel to find the item.
Characters provided. No experience needed Bring a deck of cards w/Jokers.
The Greg Barry Experience is a limited time offer, when it expires, you will have wished you took the time to play in one of my games.. I will be at PhoenixCon running games, they have treated me well and never banned me from the facebook group