Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Wisconsin July 2022 = Phoenix Con Part 2

 Saturday / Sunday

The Royal Dinner
How to look good:  
      Get a young pretty woman to be in a picture with you.
In This case, my Friend Dakota 

The Royal dinner was great... I presented my Request to have Badge NUMBER ONE granted to me for all time... 

Was such a good time and then I went to bed 

The next morning I was talking to Jeremy and Tom Wham and Dave Conant were coming by, so we all decided to play a WHAM game

Link below

Wow, that was a lot of fun.. I will getting the game soon even though I lost really bad and Chris won

Chris Clark from Innercity Games gifted me with an extra Breakfeast Brunch (Thank you !!) 

packed up,  saw a few stragglers and made my way back to Kenosha

Waited to see Dennis who I spent very little time with during the con... and had Chris tell him "I'm Zeb Cook's Son" (Inside Joke) and Dennis responded, "No, I have met Zeb Cooks son and you ain't him"   

Monday, July 25, 2022

Wisconsin July 2022 = Phoenix Con Part 1


 Got to the con early in the morning on Thursday and checked in, rooms were nice.. 

Played in an RPEX game and did pretty well

Then got to see some friends and run a couple of games.. the games went very well... 

Maidens of the Dessert and So you think you have an attitude

Dave Konkle

Larry Wickman - Wickman Games

Ernie G Gygax Jr

Friday night, I ran my Colter Memorial Drunken Dungeon Master game... and afterward went on to play Werewolf until the early morning hours... Being a social creature, I imbibed more bourbon then needed... 

I had to cancel my Saturday game....
It was the first time I ever had to cancel a Game I was running because of drinking the night before... that will not happen again

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wisconsin July 2022 - Lake Geneva

 WISCONSIN July 2022 

I traveled to Wisconsin to attend Pheonix Con with my buddy Chris. We Stayed in Kenosha the first 2 nights and went to Lake Geneva that Wednesday. The drive there was very smooth and we got Culvers burgers when we arrived. 

Lake Forest Oasys on 94 after Chicago

The next day (Wednesday) we went to Lake Geneva

I got my Bacon Maple Donuts... mmmmmmmm

Of course I had to place dice on the memorial brick...


Dice that were Colter's


Then we went to see the sites

Thursday, we headed to the Convention...