Monday, March 18, 2019

2019 GaryCon Journal Wrap Up


With 2 Issues marring this event before hand

(Bill Webb and Frank Mentzer) 

So, 2 weeks before GaryCon, Frank Mentzer was removed as guest of Honor... This hurt me, I knew Frank, I liked him, he treated me and everyone I knew exceptionally well.  I posted this:

My issue was not who was right and who was wrong, it was about the Timing, Wording and handling of this. 

Had the news said "2 people had a pissing match and Frank is not coming to GaryCon" it would be a NON issue

It was too late to cancel since the Registration had been completed... Also, I did not want to back out on George. 

I did not email Luke Gygax, Not after making it known how I felt about someone I never met. I suppose that many people seeing my post contacted him regarding my post and the fact I made it known I was not happy about the initial post on GaryCon 

When asked by my Friends, I now replied 
"I will evaluate my Status at GaryCon after GaryCon, I am going there to share time with friends and make new friends"

After GaryCon, I posted the following:

Removed Post from Facebook, this chapter needs to be closed

Addendum:  Luke did what he felt he had to do, Frank did what he felt he had to do, no one won.  

My Choice to run less games next year is not reflective of any issues or as any slight to anyone or toward GaryCon. 

It is simply because I am building amazing friendships at GaryCon and for one year I would like to play more than run games

I still believe that GaryCon is FAMILY. 

There is a lot to be said for "When you at my table I offer you the best time I can give you"  That statement says, I don't care who you are, sit down and have lots of fun - That is the spirit of Gaming to me and many I know

So, with everything being said and done, I have posted my submitted games that I will run on next year (Updated 8/21)


Now, what I have and have not talked about: 

I have posted that I was somehow removed from the GaryCon Facebook group on my return. I have no recollection of removing myself from the group

I find that whiny people annoy me more, so it is possible that when people started whining about the Grand Lodge rooms or all the newbies asking dumbass stuff and people talking about next year before they assess their situation with their Significant other... It is possible I just got annoyed and left the group.... I doubt it, but not ruling it out

So I lost my visual Storyteller's badge

When putting together my blog, I needed to find a pic of the Hawaiian Shirt group shot.. I know someone had reposted Luke Gygax's post of the photo so I went looking

Seems at this time I have been block from Seeing his Facebook page and his posts in groups

I checked my settings and I have not blocked him.  I see no point in contacting anyone regarding this.  

I did cross paths with Luke many times during GaryCon and he avoided talking to me until I went to see him on Saturday night... a bit cool to say the least... I pretty much said "It is what it is"

I am requesting that no one contact anyone on my behalf. I am content to let things play out 

These 2 issues may be the same or they may just be coincidences

SO, I may be persona Non Gratis at the next GaryCon 

It is a long way off and I am only writing one new game for it anyway so things may change... 
No one had ever approached me regarding my actions at the con. 

No one to my knowledge has ever had a complaint about me

I am not a Low Profile person, I interact with the staff and everyone with the same respect.  

 I would like to attend next year.... (END)

---------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE 8/21/2019

I spoke with an unnamed person who assured me that I was wanted at next years GaryCon

I did email Luke and he had me blocked on his personal facebook page. He does most of his postings to the GaryCon FB group from his page

I seem to be at a distinct disadvantage IF I am going to attend GaryCon next year. I cannot see any announcements that you make in the group on Facebook.
 I have checked my settings and I am not blocking you. 

He did unblock with stating that he did not know why I was blocked. 

I have received many requests to return from many people that I will not name here but one or more have the Last Initial G

2019 GaryCon Journal Swag and Autographs

Acquired SWAG

I did not acquire much this year, but I really appreciated these items

For being a Game Master and running 18+ hours of Games 
These are the 2 Physical rewards for GM's 

These were given from my Friend Tracey, I backed his Daughter in Laws book and these are the limited edition prints  - Very cool images

Check out more of this work

I played in the game Ruins of Juneau and Craig gave each of us the book he wrote During GaryCon last year as he ran the same game

The Dragonscales RPG Playtest version

This was available for anyone who backed the kickstarter

 The Forgotten Dungeon Pin... I asked Eddie how to get one and said "Ask Me" Had I known that earlier, I would have worn it all during GaryCon


I am not going to comment, just put the pictures up.. Thanks to everyone who signed items for me

Sunday, March 17, 2019

2019 GaryCon Journal Purchases

Decided to break down the pages, there is just too much to go over


As for what I actually bought at the con, that was limited...I planned on additional purchases but an unforeseen event left my without a coupon I earned

So here is what I bought

From Etched It! Designs

Dragonscales RPG Chomatic Kingdoms map

From Charles Urbach, a mouse pad and Play mat - I highly recommend everyone check out his art

SO Charles had this image but it is vertical and not vertical and my oldest asked for this to be made. Charles has been very kind with other suggestions we have made and when I arrived he showed me, saying this was not the final but he wanted to put something together for me... My daughter was thrilled

From Bruno's with the 10% discount... technically not a con purchase 

And my wife and oldest demanded I bring home the greatest Donuts from Bittner's Bakery

2019 GaryCon Journal Sunday

Sunday opened with a Time change and packing... I had one game to run and wanted see a couple of people before I left.. Trying to get my Dragonscales map signed and pick up something from Darlene


started with 5 players and then 2 more showed up to make 7, remove one character form the game and later players recruited the 8th.

This is my Masterpiece and has lots of parts to it from getting information separately to lots of puzzles and riddles... a little bit of combat also

The players really enjoyed this game and that made me ecstatic

After the game, I headed to the lobby and to the dealers room, They had closed... I ran into Amber and she reminded me to pick up my cup from Fireside Creations.. I had forgotten all about it

I walked in past the security and with the Maltbys in tow, we headed to the corner where Stephen, Eddie and the whole crew was. Stephen only brought the one cup and I could not get it till sunday

I ordered this as part of the Dragonscales RPG Kickstarter

Time for one last Picture with Colter and his family... then out the door

Left at 2:20, 10 minutes early than our departure time, went and got some Spotted Cow to take home...

Later at Night, we came across the Ohio Borealis, which turned out to be caused by several greenhouse that were built in an industrial park... very spooky

As we stopped for the night around Pittsburgh, we had low time pressure. We woke up to a flat time... got that repaired and headed home...

Stopped for gas and found this at the pump... maybe something to look for in my travels...

Next - Purchases - Swag - Sigs and afterthoughts

Friday, March 15, 2019

2019 GaryCon Journal Saturday

The first order of today was to get to Bitner's Bakery and pick up some donuts to take home (not open on Sundays)

So I got a dozen for home, 2 Bacon Maple and 2 Apple fritters

Ruins of Juneau - 77 Lost Worlds

I have been reading Craig Martelle's books on and off over the last year and I actually dropped in to watched this game being played at the last GaryCon (Last year after the game, Craig went a wrote the book and put it up on Amazon before the con was over)

I had to get in on this one. This turned out to be several Authors and several GMs in this game and most had ties to Fireside Creations (Stephen Lee)

I played the Wolfoid, I named him Grrr  - Forgot to see if I could pick up this miniature

We had a blast but did not get a lot accomplished except destruction, Mayhem and burned down the bar (Evil Stephen)

Shuffling Horror: INNSMOUTH 32

Next I joined Larry Wickman for a great game of Shuffling Horror... First time I got to try the new game with the H. P. Lovecraft. Theme

Wickedly fun, one of the best Horror games where the director really wants to kill off everyone

OH, I really loved the new board... If you want to try it out

After the event, I had some free time so I thought I would go to the dealer room

approaching the lobby, I thought "I know Saturdays are busy, but this is nuts" Then I realized I had actually showed up for the picture

Then I was able to get to the the Presentation of the Gygax Lifetime Award to Larry Elmore

Next, it was time for me to get Jim Ward signatures on a few items and a new picture... 

I ran into Lynn and she was looking to get items Signed by Larry Elmore... he had a crowd and we went in and someone was taking a picture with him, when they finished I called out to Larry to pose with Lynn, then to sign her stuff... I know how it feels to meet people for the first time and ask for Autographs and Pics... 

Back to Gaming 
The Pirates of Dark Water, the Lost Episodes

I did not get any pics but the Game went very well and the players were happy. The Dragonscales RPG rules uising the Ward Card System gave a great flow to the game

My Final 2 games of Saturday were board games

Donner Dinner Party and Sparkle*Kitty Nights

I did not get any pictures from Donner Dinner party

I did get some from Sparkle*Kitty Nights and both of the games were really fun to Play

Afterwards, I wandered for a bit and Spotted Luke Gygax (Who had been avoiding me) I basically said I have a great time regardless and walked away to the tune of 

"It is what it is"

More on this in my Swag, Autographs and Wrap up post