Dictionary result for inclusiveness
- the practice or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or mental disabilities and members of minority groups.
"the school promotes an attitude of tolerance and inclusiveness"
This is the sad word that is damaging everything. Because it is being used as a WEAPON by Social Justice Warriors in order to make the 99% buckle to an unseen pressure by less than 0.01%
You do not need Due Process, Courts, convictions, only the slightest allegations
And it is trying to take over Role Playing and RPG Conventions
When you effectively elevate the codes "Diversity" "Inclusiveness" and "Safe spaces" What you are telling peopel is that no game can contain only males and must have women, Asians, blacks, Latinos and not a male running games and 1.6 people have to lgbtqrofads or some other non straight person in order to have a proper game at a con
GaryCon... It no longer respects people who are not Social Justice Warriors. GenCon flaunts it's inclusiveless and I would never consider going back as a paying attendee
SO Frank was removed, not based on his behavior at GaryCon, but for something outside of the con... Not for violating any rules AT the con but because people (or Persons, or whatever term they use that has no scientific basis) complained about his behavior not relevant to his being at said con..
There are many ways to look at this...
One, any blackmail can result in removing a guest of honor, no matter how close the Con is
Two... it is too late for people who take exception to this to back out
Three, we can look at this going forward and decide if we want to take a chance that our games may not occur next year if our FE Guest is targeted by whatever caused this debacle...
I will leave everything to the rules lawyers (The SJWs) who have become final the arbiter at Gary Con Gaming Convention
For the Spirit of the game is truly Broken
NOT Everyone can Play Football..
What I mean is it is our differences that make us strong, we did not live in a Wussy society until the last 14 years. Yeah, people are tough at their keyboards (Trust me, I am an asshole in real life also)
I am too old to play pronoun games and not PC enough to care
Should you go there, here is my Pronoun:
The almighty Dungeon Master of the Table who is final arbiter of everything set forth within the game
And NO, you cannot shorten it
We play RPG's because they were tough, your persona should die, that is why we bring extra sheets..
RPG's were never meant to be safe... No one is guaranteed to be a fit at every table. Over the years my groups have rejected many who just did not fit into the group dynamics. It was never based on race, ethnics, preferences.. It was based on whether you were a person who added to the group or was going to be a pain in the ass
We play RPG's because they were tough, your persona should die, that is why we bring extra sheets..
RPG's were never meant to be safe... No one is guaranteed to be a fit at every table. Over the years my groups have rejected many who just did not fit into the group dynamics. It was never based on race, ethnics, preferences.. It was based on whether you were a person who added to the group or was going to be a pain in the ass
He responded according to Human nature. Luke knew the situation and concerns, yet choose to make him a GOH this year. He made a commitment to Frank and then canceled the commitment 2 weeks before the con.
Sounds like a pissing match over something that did not happen at GC.
I am really critical of the word TOXIC being used in the statement. Sounds like if someone is TOXIC, they were being banned. I would not want to be around someone who was labeled TOXIC
Also, if someone violated GaryCon policies, why would you offer for them to come to the Con ?
"His past misconduct and threatening behavior violate the ethics and harassment policies established by Gary Con."
"Frank’s harassing behavior, threatening communications, tone-deaf and unapologetic responses are unacceptable to say the least and not the kind of behavior that represents what Gary Con is about. This form of toxic aggression is detrimental to the safe space we as a gaming community strive for."
As someone who is a Defender of the Faith and refuses to play the SAFE versions of WOTC, I was there when D&D was being persecuted back in the 80's.. I was there playing this crazy game and getting friends into it. I was there when we had our 4-H Club and manned the booth every year at the Fair telling everyone about this game... We even had people coming up to us telling us we were going to hell
We were polite and respectful.... We were the outcasts, We were the ones who found a game and a passion...