Monday, April 16, 2018

Demos and Board Game Recommendations

Game demos...

I have been doing game demos for a few months at a few different stores. Some of the games I really like and some of them I do just to do...Still doing my game nights  on Wednesday and Thursday.

Doing the demos can be tedious because sometimes you sit around for a few hours with no players...not bad when you do not care for the demo but when you really like the game, it becomes frustrating. Then sometimes, you do not get another shot to bring that game for various reasons.

My upcoming splash a demos are great games that I really enjoy

Wanted is a Quick 30 minute game that is really rich in the feel of shootouts and the old west...

Compounded gets you into a Lab and using elements to make scoring compounds, I am really excited about this one. it takes about 90 Minutes to play

Here is another one that I am Excited about... this demo is upcoming this month

Top Ten on my Games List at this time... 

1 - The Thing, Infection at Outpost 31

Everyone who plays this seems to be impressed, based on the John Carpenter movie, this is a a game where you try to identify the Imitations and stop them from leaving the base.. 

2 - Telestrations

Here is a Draw and Guess game where you do not have to know how to draw and the more wild the guess, the funnier the game is.. It comes in a 12 Party Pack, An 8 player pack and 8 Player After Dark (Adult) version

Everyone draw and passes to the next person who guesses, then you pass to the next person who draws from the guess

The best is when all is revealed at the end of the game... 

be sure to take pics of the hilarity that occurs.. you will want to play this at every gathering

3 - Compounded

This is a game where you use elements to create compounds and score points.. it has a real good feel to the game and they got everything right and the details are fantastic

3 - Any Fluxx versions

Either you play for 15 minutes or the game get fustrating after a long play.. I love this when it goes about 30-45 minutes at the longest.. set a timer and start over. 

4 - Sushi Go Party

This is simple a quick play game with 3 rounds of Pass and Play... there is a bit of strategy involved but nothing too complex. 

5 - Dastardly Dirigibles

A seemingly simple game that cause frustration when you are forced to change your airship plan.. but lots of fun to play, again a fairly quick game 

6 - Sparkle Kitty

Don't let the name fool you, this is a great game for adults...Teens and kids.. Can be quite cutthroat and lots of fun

7 - Donner Dinner Party

Probably the best Social deduction game on the market, quick and easy to play (7 rounds) feed everyone or vote one of the party to (well, you know) 

8 - Tsuro 

Lots of fun as an in between game, you have to think and see the paths as the board get filled...the best thing is to not let anyone lay a path for you...never ends well for you

9 - Not Alone

Not Alone pits one person against everyone else... I like the game because of the mechanics of the game. Sometimes you get caught and sometimes you make a great play

10 - Munchkin

It takes about 2 games to really get into Munchkin.. it is a fun game to backstab other players or help them