I will be updating this page every day throughout August about this
August 1
#RPGaDAY How do you Prefer to Roll ? I prefer to roll dice... nothing feels better than actual dice
Yep putting together another page to update my Dice purchases... coming soon
August 2
#RPGaDAY At GaryCon - During Pizza TOON - Dancing with Doughnuts at the end !!! Tribute to a Friend
Dancing With Donuts Video
Back Story: Pizza TOON was originally written for a Con in New Jersey and featured all the People who were at that Con as well of as other Conventions such as the Star Trac Con with Newkirk and Oldkirk
A few of the players signed away their life to sell Amwait
I had planned on Honoring a longtime Friend who introduced us to the fine art of Donuts Dancing when we would gather... this because such a ritual when at cons and anytime we got together...
August 3
#RPGaDAY Proud Character Moment Orc in Minions at GaryCon, having to recruit victims to come to the Lich's Lair.
My Orc had to put on a Wizards Robe and pretend to be human and enter a tavern to convince groups of adventures to go to a dungeon where there is lots of gold
I was informed by my lich master that I was to get adventurers that were not too powerful but powerful enough, just enough to make it challenging... I had a great time playing a groveling uppity orc
August 4
#RPGaDAY Most impressive -TOON, a 7 Year old girl and during a race, her father stretched his legs, used a pair of scissors to chop them off
August 5
#RPGaDAY... Group Stories, walk into a room, 3 of us cast Fireball at the same time, 35 HD ttl. room collapses and the floor above it
August 6
#RPGaDAY - I got nothing for Most amazing thing your gaming group has done for the community
August 7
#RPGaDAY Biggest aspect of RPG influence, Reading and self teaching from books, 2 things I do very well
August 8
#RPGaDAY Hard soft or PDF? I know where find info in books quick, impressive to drop original books on a table
August 9
#RPGaDAY 9 Beyond the game, Ideal Session-Preferably people who like to hang out together outside of the game...
August 10
#RPGaDAY 10 Biggest in game surprise ? As the GM, I cannot offer that information, that would be "insane"
August 11
#RPGaDAY 11 Biggest Influence... Mark Cordoba and Steve Kartensen.. both pushed me to be that much more creative
August 12
#RPGaDAY 12 Game most likely to play next - - Firefly RPG once we finish our AD&D 1st Ed dungeon crawl session
August 13
#RPGaDAY 13 campaign success? -Multiple story arcs, several lines affecting many outcomes, epic quests. NPCs, Good villains or allies
August 14
#RPGaDAY 14...Dream team to game with...Mark Córdoba, Steve Kartensen, Shaun Nelson, Fog, Big Tony and 3 women
August 15
#RPGaDAY 15 inspirations I find them everywhere and anywhere, word, book, obscure movie...trivial conversations, little used charts
August 19
#RPGaDAY 19 Best way 2 Learn RPG - Roll up a new character, see the options, what Armor/Combat is, then spell system
August 20
#RPGaDAY 20 Most Challenging and rewarding Game to learn, Dangerous Journeys..not quite the Hack and slash, many layers that can be played
August 22
#RPGaDAY 22 Random Game events keep occurring... TOON, there are always random running gags, D&D, same antagonist shows up from time to time
August 23
#RPGaDAY Best Worst Luck Story... Elven Ranger killed 2 party members in the same dungeon 3 fights apart from each other
August 24
#RPGaDAY 24 - Game Most likely to give others - AD&D 1st edition Players Handbook
August 28
#RPGaDAY 28 Most Surprising thing friend has not seen or read - The Sword and the Sorcerer or Beast master
August 29
#RPGaDAY 29 if you could Game anywhere Lake Geneva, Wisconsin... either in March(GaryCon) or when the memorial is completed(If it ever is)
August 4
#RPGaDAY Most impressive -TOON, a 7 Year old girl and during a race, her father stretched his legs, used a pair of scissors to chop them off
August 5
#RPGaDAY... Group Stories, walk into a room, 3 of us cast Fireball at the same time, 35 HD ttl. room collapses and the floor above it
August 6
#RPGaDAY - I got nothing for Most amazing thing your gaming group has done for the community
August 7
#RPGaDAY Biggest aspect of RPG influence, Reading and self teaching from books, 2 things I do very well
August 8
#RPGaDAY Hard soft or PDF? I know where find info in books quick, impressive to drop original books on a table
August 9
#RPGaDAY 9 Beyond the game, Ideal Session-Preferably people who like to hang out together outside of the game...
August 10
#RPGaDAY 10 Biggest in game surprise ? As the GM, I cannot offer that information, that would be "insane"
August 11
#RPGaDAY 11 Biggest Influence... Mark Cordoba and Steve Kartensen.. both pushed me to be that much more creative
August 12
#RPGaDAY 12 Game most likely to play next - - Firefly RPG once we finish our AD&D 1st Ed dungeon crawl session
August 13
#RPGaDAY 13 campaign success? -Multiple story arcs, several lines affecting many outcomes, epic quests. NPCs, Good villains or allies
August 14
#RPGaDAY 14...Dream team to game with...Mark Córdoba, Steve Kartensen, Shaun Nelson, Fog, Big Tony and 3 women
August 15
#RPGaDAY 15 inspirations I find them everywhere and anywhere, word, book, obscure movie...trivial conversations, little used charts
August 19
#RPGaDAY 19 Best way 2 Learn RPG - Roll up a new character, see the options, what Armor/Combat is, then spell system
August 20
#RPGaDAY 20 Most Challenging and rewarding Game to learn, Dangerous Journeys..not quite the Hack and slash, many layers that can be played
August 22
#RPGaDAY 22 Random Game events keep occurring... TOON, there are always random running gags, D&D, same antagonist shows up from time to time
August 23
#RPGaDAY Best Worst Luck Story... Elven Ranger killed 2 party members in the same dungeon 3 fights apart from each other
August 24
#RPGaDAY 24 - Game Most likely to give others - AD&D 1st edition Players Handbook
August 28
#RPGaDAY 28 Most Surprising thing friend has not seen or read - The Sword and the Sorcerer or Beast master
August 29
#RPGaDAY 29 if you could Game anywhere Lake Geneva, Wisconsin... either in March(GaryCon) or when the memorial is completed(If it ever is)