1 #RPGaDAY D&D The Blue book Who knew that bell charts and dice role aggregates would help with learning and critical thinking-Life Changing
#RPGaDAY.... D&D... best edit ever
3 - #RPGaDAY First RPG Purchased - Dungeons and Dragons and Dice... read and memorized cover to cover in one day
4 -#RPGaDAY Last RPG Purchase - AD&D 1st edition Monster Manual from Ebay....Role Playing game legendary book !!!!
5 #Rpgaday. most old school RPG owned--
Dungeons and Dragons and TOON-the role playing game
6 #RPGaDAY Favorite RPG never get to play. tough one but I have to go with TOON, The Role playing Game. Chutzpah baby
7 #RPGaDAY. Most intellectual role paying game owned; Dangerous Journeys.Took a lot to make the character.,but is an amazing system
8 #RPGaDAY Fav Character 1st Ed. Female Assassin over 10 yrs. claimed 2 b fighter-an Orc was a Cure light wounds #Grandmotherofassassins
9 #RPGaDAY favorite dice set..large play school dice and from dice that I can throw at players
10 #RPGaDAY...favorite tie in novel.,My approach - novel that inspired a game. DREAM PARK One of the most inspiring and instructional for a DM
#RPGaDAY Weirdest Role playing game Owned - not sure, but I think playing a toon may be the one... not that far off the path though
12 #RPGaDAY. Old role playing game I still pay/read.,being old school, D&D...Vampire, the masquerade,., I do read toon
13 #RPGaDAY Most memorable character death: I was the DM, one player took out another player by creating a tornado and dropped him 2000 feet
14 #RPGaDAY Best convention purchase: having 2 figures painted for me. And DICE, lots of dice
15 #RPGaDay - Fav Con game Dances with Donuts, TOON. ended with table dancing through the con while eating donuts -more https://www.ts/10202748613298010 …
16 #rpgaday.. Game I Wish I owned...Original Call of Chtuthl...
17 #RPGaDAY-funniest game you played in- Dances with Donuts...TOON - enough said
18 #RPGaDAY - favorite game system...AD&D 1st edition of course
19 #RPGaDAY Fav published adventure- Sabre River.. More for the way the DM ran the game...
20 (Never Tweeted) Will Still Play in 20 Years time - AD&D, If I can put together a good core group
21#RPGaDAY-Fav licensed RPG., Dream Park,loved that each game could mix or use different genres.. Easy system to play
22 #RPGaDAY-Best secondhand purchase - near perfect copy of Fiend Folio from eBay for $8.00,including shipping
23 #RPGaDay. Getting caught up..collect looking product - Top Secret box set..
24 #RPGaDAY..Most complicated RPG owned, Dangerous Journeys...truly freaking awesome game
25 #RPGaDAY..Fav RPG that no one wants to play - DC Heroes
26 #RPGaDAY coolest character sheet... AD&D with the honor box for OA
27 #RPGaDAY..game you would like to see a new edition... Dream Park
28 #RPGaday scariest game ever played - Call of Cthulhul first edition literally scared the hell out of me - Scott Castrol was the GM'
29 #RPGaDAY. Most memorable encounter - Toon, My Rabbit made lots of copies (rabbits multiply). and all of them dropped exploding dice at once
#RPGaDAY. The exploding dice took out a sky scraper floor by floor, have to admit, I did not for see this mayhem
30 #RPGaDAY Rarest RPG owned - Dream Park, only because the company no longer exists.. I also have a copy of the original Gods Demigods ...