In 1992 we started attending conventions. I enjoy playing as much as I like being the gamemaster
The First convention I attended was Defcon 3 in New Brunswick, NJ on April 24-26, 1992
It was run by Pete Boton and Shirley
They were assisted by Tanya and Andy and Shaun and several other people
I Ran 2 games (4 time slots) and did not stay on site at the hotel
One of the games was "Entrance To Classari" and the other game I ran was Maidens of the Dessert .... during Saturday, I somehow managed to lock my keys in the car (all my materials were in the car) and had to get a ride home to get my spare. This messed up my times for running my games on Saturday... I met so many gamers at the con and many of whom I gamed with outside the con after it ended. So everyone voted on best payer, best Game master and some other categories. I ended up Winning Best Game Master and I guess I kinda shocked everyone by giving a speech thanking everyone...
Entrance to Classari - Rescue a Sword of power from an underground Orc stronghold, for characters Level 5-7
Maidens Of the Dessert - Set off to explore an Ancient land in the middle of a Dessert, Levels 8-11
We made DefCon our Home convention as it was the most local, then we started staying at the Hotel, assisting with Running the con as best we could. We also Hosted a Saturday Night Party in our room that was unbelievable at every con... people would ask about the parties all night...
After the party Saturday night, we walked the halls at about 5:00 AM, shouting "Bring Out your Dead!!"
and usually clanging on empty ice bins or whatever else we had.
Defcon 4:
Maidens of the Forest - searching for a Missing Druid who is to become the next Grand Druid
I think this is where I premiered
So you think you have an Attitude !! - The followers of the Dwarven God of Attitude and Drink have been summoned to go on a quest.
I also started the
Arena of Chaos as a build your best character and defeat everyone else slugfest. We had 4 board going for this game and 38 players at 7 PM on Saturday. We provided a 25 Dollar gift card, and numerous other prizes (Such as a plastic sword for the First Killed and prizes for the top 5)
I had my core group providing 8 DM's for this ... We ran this for 3 Cons...
I got to play in a early Sunday morning game (I never schedule one, but my friend Tanya Schector was running it)... The game was about characters getting transported to a Renaissance Festival in modern day Sterling forest.... I brought along my Paladin, Hamlet (Things did not go well for him) but for me and the other player next to me, we were having a great time.... Seems Tanya setup the table and got me to play for a reason.... There was a girl (20 or so years old) playing in the game with a low cut top and for every die roll, she would get up and lean over the table to roll the dice... Tanya had her do A LOT of extra rolling...
Defcon 5
So You Think You Have an Attititude, Too !!!
I could not come up with a good plot / hook for my next Maidens (Maidens of the Tundra) so I shelved that
By this time we we were running TOON! games and all sorts of other games... Dream Park, the Novel and later the RPG influenced my games... and I wanted to create a game within a game so I created "The Quest for the Gate Between Worlds"... based on a book. This is the first time at a con that I used pregenerated character and had to create an additional character that was not in the book.
I have only used Pregens when absolutely needed for the game... when I needed to provide a large background for a game I was running or based on my groups campaign (Port Greybar)
I think I was able to Play in Steve Karstensen's Toon game "Dances with Donuts"
Background: Shaun Nelson (RIP) loved donuts and whenever we got together we got donuts and Shaun had his own Donut Dance music...
- Steve (who is brilliant) ran a fantastic game... he took everything from the past conventions and Tooned it just right.
Defcon 6- 8
To be honest, I do not remember what I ran at the remaining defcons so I will do my best to stay in order
Toon Games
Daytoona Beach - Toon game, very well received.
Pizzatoon - Delivering Pizzas to an RPG convention
Toon, A Love Story - Delivering the groom to the Wedding
AD&D Games
AAAHHH - To Say anything about this would be just wrong... This is one of my masterpieces
The Epic Saga of Port Greybar - This was based off my long running campaign featuring the most Epic Monster ever in AD&D - The Curhre
The Shadow Mother game, brings all the aspiring guild master assassins together to find and destroy the grandmother of assassins
The Return Of the Griffin, The fulfillment of an ancient treaty must be completed